Brotherton Library Leeds

Computer art books are not as popular as they used to be...
I have been taking advantage of my access to The Brotherton Library collection and have been using its facilities more recently than when i was a student. I cant speak for the other sections but they certainly have an impressive collection of hard to find art books. Lately i have been exploring the more interesting regions of the catalogue and have uncovered these gems...

Cybernetic Serendipity edited by Jasia Reichardt
The accompanying book to the landmark computer art exhibition curated by Jasia Reichardt at the ICA London August 2nd to October 20th, 1968.
Featuring articles from Karlheinz Stockhausen, John Cage, John Whitney, Kenneth Knowlton and many others this was the definitive statement of the emerging computer art aesthetic at a time when a 1 megabyte computer was the size of a small car.
The book begins as a statement of intent with series of short essays by each artist outlining their techniques and approaches and then moves on to look at a range and depth of computer art at the time.

Score for Four sacred April rounds by Peter Zinovieff
`The computer is only a tool which, at the moment, still seems far removed from those polemic preoccupations which concern art. However, even now seen with all the prejudices of tradition and time, one cannot deny that the computer demonstrates a radical extension in art media and techniques. The possibilities inherent in the computer as a creative tool will do little to change those idioms of art which rely primarily on the dialogue between the artist, their ideas, and the canvas. They will, however increase the scope of art and contribute to its diversity`
Jasia Reichardt

Computer Graphics Computer Art by Herbert W Franke
Published in 1971 this was one of the earliest comprehensive texts on the subject of computer art. Franke first outlines the basic process of computer programming at the time, and indicates the different uses of digital and analogue computers. There then follows an assessment of methods of producing art and a look at theoretical considerations of the application of aesthetics to this newly developing art form.

Klee Frieder Nake
Libraries really are great and ill be delving into the depths for more treasures like these and publishing the results here...
yes! i have that cybernetic serendipity book, its a killer!
big up
no doubt - jeez i didnt think anyone commented on here.....
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