Over the period of a single day we took over three thousand photographs from mutiple perspectives, on a series of circumnavigated walks around Joseph Stones House, a new student halls of residence in Leeds town centre. With the images we were able to produce a 10 minute chronological video of the building and its surrounding environment. We then took the colour pattern which has been designed into the window scheme and used it as a score in a custom made patch using Max/MSP.
Our software then edited the film making pre defined edits and alterations controlled by the arrangement of colours in our code, ostensibly getting the building to edit its own film. The results will be played at 3pm on Saturday 17 june at the Architecture Week launch event in Leeds, to an accompanying soundtrack 'Breezeblock' performed live by the Composers Ensemble under the direction of Didrik Ingvaldsen. Joe has put some stills from the film up at his flickr page.
Hypersensitive was a four screen installation for the Screenlab residency program at Leeds City Art Gallery, a collaboration between myself, Joe Gilmore, Alex Peverett and James Brouwer.
Visitors were asked to stand and look into a Sony DVCam video camera for approximately 2 minutes. The resulting footage from these video portraits was then ouput using Max/MSP + Nato. Tiny imperceptible movements in the subjects' faces were revealed by rapid stuttering and repetition between frames. This was achieved by progressively moving through the movie and looping rapidly between 2-15 frames at a time at an accumulated speed of between 2 and 15 milliseconds. The video installation consisted of approximately 30 video portraits which changed every 10mins.
A video version was produced and was shown at Sonar 2002 and ParkTV. It is also being shown at the next Olsen event which is happening at upcoming Oats and Groats festival, Rodley on the 7th July.
I have a lot of rendering to do this week - so whilst waiting for the counter to reach 100 percent i decided to start a new blog scanning in some my favourite book covers i've bought. Nearly all these books are from second hand shops and i rarely pay more than a couple of pounds for each. I have a real love for many of the pelican and penguin book designs of the 60s and 70s and anyone requiring more information on these should seek out Penguin By Design by Phil Baines